Friday, December 9, 2016


Hi friends, 

The wedding is over. The girl's parents are fully satisfied with the way the wedding is conducted. The satisfaction of having given the daughter to a suitable boy removes all the stress and strain but the feeling of separation of the daughter remains.

After every marriage, it is the wish of every parent that they should become a grandparent. After a few months, they hear the news that their daughter has conceived. Their joy knew no bounds as they are going to become grandparents. Then the girl is sent to her parents for safe delivery of the child.

Why is she sent to her mother? According to my opinion, the girl's father is only a custodian. The girl is sent to her mother purely for rest. It is not advisable for her to be with the in-laws and her husband during the last two months before delivery and the first three months after delivery. I wish to write about my personal experience.

My first son was born in 1974. He was fair, hale, and healthy and weighed 3.5 Kgs. My in-laws had arranged a midwife for the delivery in their house itself. Unfortunately, the baby had swallowed some fluid, developed a respiratory problem, and died within a few hours. Bad news. All our dreams, expectation, happiness, and suffering had gone to waste.

A doctor would have sucked the fluid and the baby would be alive. I would not have lost my son. If he is alive today,  he might be 42 and giving me wonderful support at this old age. It is fate. It is destined that I should lose my first son. Every now and then, I think about him. Then I console myself. It is a permanent SCAR THAT WILL NEVER FADE.

After 25 years in 1997, my daughter came for her first delivery. Thoughts about losing my first child came into my mind. I resolved that everything should be done to avoid any eventuality and to take maximum care of her. I wanted my daughter to have normal delivery as it is safe and healthy for the mother and baby. It is less expensive also. 

Hence, I visited lady doctors in  Senthil Nursing Home, Sundaram Medical Foundation, Vijaya Hospital, GG Hospital, Dr. Lakshmi clinic, Devaki Hospital, St.Isabel's Hospital, Kalyani Hospital, and finally EVK Nursing Home in Chennai. I discussed with all doctors and wanted their assurance for normal delivery. No one was willing to give assurance.

Dr. Uma Ram of EVK Nursing Home gave the assurance. She was the one to advise my daughter to undergo a Down's Syndrome test. Though it was far from my house, we went there for all check-ups, and finally, she had a normal delivery. The same doctor looked after the delivery of my second grandson and first granddaughter which were all normal deliveries. Thank you.

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